It’s time for a
Cultural Metamorphosis
Welcome to the Age of Synthesis.
Being in an age of information we have unprecedented access to so much knowledge and wisdom across space and time. I believe we are at a point in history where it is critical to synthesize different fields. For example synthesizing eastern philosophy with western science or synthesizing indigenous wisdom with modern technology. Our task is to find what is most valuable across space and time and combine it to make an integral model that serves as a guide for us to function as a harmonious and competent species.
What this site is about:
Check out my book and video recommendations, journal entries, blogs, and more.
An initiative to become the types of humans the world needs right now, to play the role of midwifes for a greater expression of humanity to be born.
Exploring information from top revolutionary thinkers in the world and synthesizing it in order to fuel a social movement
Attracting humans who feel a deep sense of wrongness in the world and feel sense of mission to create the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.
Discovering a method for how to create intimate and ethical communities
Exploring what the meta-crisis is, and how we can come up with adequate solutions.
I believe we are living in a crucial time where we are reaching unsustainable planetary limits, yet we also have this extraordinary opportunity for humanity to wake up to a greater role to play on Mother Earth. “Where there is challenge, there is opportunity of equal measure”