Book Recommendations

  • Awake - Angelo DiLullo

  • Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • The Case Against Reality - Donald Hoffman

  • Diamonds From Heaven - Chris Bache

    Diamonds From Heaven - Chris Bache

  • Education in a Time Between Worlds - Zak Stein

  • The Energy Codes - Dr. Sue Morter

  • Evolutionary Enlightenment - Andrew Cohen

  • Friendship in the Age of Loneliness - Adam Smiley Poswolsky

  • How Soon Is Now? - Daniel Pinchbeck

  • Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss

  • The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible - Charles Eisenstein

  • Mutant Message from Down Under - Marlo Morgan

  • Myth of Normal - Gabor Mate

  • Rational Mysticism - John Horgan

  • Reality Blind - Nate Hagens

  • Recapture the Rapture - Jamie Wheal

  • The Red Lion - Maria Szepes

  • Rumi Poems - Jonathan Star

  • Sacred Economics - Charles Eisenstein

  • Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Itzhak Bentov

  • Stealing Fire - Jamie Wheal

  • The Mastery of Love - Don Miguel Ruiz

  • The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk

  • The Collapse of Complex Societies - Joe Tainter

  • The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto

  • The Master and His Emissary - Iain McGilchrist

  • The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra

  • Tribe - Sebastian Junger

  • Waking From Sleep - Steven Taylor

  • the War of Art - Steven Pressfield

  • The Wayfinders - Wade Davis

    The Wayfinders - Wade Davis

  • Your Unique Self - Marc Gafni