Quick Thought #23

Tracking the trend of how scientific discoveries tend to confirm and ‘catch' up’ to what mystics throughout the ages have been claiming about the nature of reality, I am left having stronger trust towards the intuitions of the mystic opposed to the slower path of exclusively exterior methods of inquiry (scientists). Although I recognize they both have value and can optimally cooperate when working in a dialectical synthesis.

Quick Thought #22

Reality is relational. Reality is musical. It is all about the relationship between the notes, between the stars, between the humans. Harmony is a sign of being in alignment with our Source.

Quick Thought #21

As evolution continues the seeming dichotomy of matter and spirit will dissolve. What the universe is doing is guiding biology towards a capacity to embody higher degrees of the infinite.

Quick Thought #20

The contemporary term for God is “whatever you want to call it”

Quick Thought #18

After experiencing any sort of numinous state of consciousness it can be very easy to slip back to old patterns of separation and forget how much aliveness you felt, you forget the feeling that gave you access to profound inspiration. The aim for humanity is to establish a collective baseline where it is hard to forget. To have a culture that makes it easy to remember beauty, love, and connection.

Quicc Thought #17

“ The darkest hour is just before dawn “

Quick Thought #16

Receiving the cultural conditioning of the west creates the urge to rush thru life. Seems like a good thing to unlearn

Quick Thoughts #15

Don’t waste your time trying to memorize how to describe the infinite

Quick Thought #14

The human body can and should be developed to be able to contain your soul more fully. The body must be fit to hold more light for Spirit to manifest in form.

Quick Thought #13

Without story and myth, life is meaningless for the human being. Mythology is the root from where meaning arises.

Quick Thought #12

If you have an impulse or idea for creative expression that is thwarted by doubt or fear or whatever, more often than not you can bet that it is the force of Resistance in attempt to prevent you from fulfilling your duty to the Cosmos.

Quick Thoughts #11

Every moment is worth being present for

Quick Thought #10

Seek refuge in the present moment

Listen to the whisper in your heart for direction

Have trust and courage in your uniqueness.

Quick Thought #9

“The child is to the adult, as the adult is to the sage”

Quick Thought #8

Consciousness is not confined to the borders of the body.

Quick Thought #7

The present moment is the pot of gold at rainbow’s end. If you want to enjoy life you must have the skill of being present. The tendency to get lost in thought directly combats your ability to be present with your life. To be present with the moment; the eternal moment. So start practicing things that strengthen your control of your attention and stop practicing things that weaken it.

Quick Thought #6

The well-being of any individual organism in nature is highly correlated to the quality of its relationships.

Quick thoughts #5

To quote the great Joe Campbell, he said “follow your bliss” which I feel is so powerful to orient a human being towards a fulfilling life that is also beneficial to the world around the individual. But in order to follow our bliss we must first find our bliss. This process can be thought of as playing hot or cold with the Universe. The search for your bliss could include reading new books, trying new activities, and meeting new people. We can relate to our level of engagement or aliveness as the hot or cold meter. The more alive and engaged you feel the closer you are to your bliss. Using this inner compass will lead us to our bliss, and following our bliss will guide us to the proverbial promised land.

Quick Thoughts #4

We really need to completely change the way we think about solving problems. The conventional epistemologies for creating solutions will usually suppress the symptoms while creating new problems. It doesn’t actually address the underlying root causes.

Quick Thought #3 :

When you look at an ecosystem and see every organism is playing some essential role that allows the whole to function properly, it begs the question: What role are humans to play in this world? What does it mean to be a human? What is our place in any given ecosystem?

Quick Thought #2

One thing that has been very interesting to me but also feels important for every human to know is;

Natural selection did not select for the human being itself but rather for our tool-making ability and coordination dynamics. Take any individual human and put them anywhere in the world; they don’t make it. Take tribes of humans with the capacity for recursive abstraction and you get mini gods that can dominate any ecosystem in the world.

“An individual with a spear can’t take down a mammoth, and a group of humans working together without the ability to make weapons also can’t take down a mammoth” - You need both cooperation and toolmaking capacities.

Quick Thought #1

Everyone you meet is the Beloved in disguise.